Lovely Labradorite Maidens and an Owl by Kateri Quandelacy Sanchez

Lovely Labradorite Maidens and an Owl by Kateri Quandelacy Sanchez

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Kateri Sanchez is the very talented daughter of Georgia Quandelacy (d) of Zuni Pueblo and Dan Sanchez of Acoma Pueblo. She is well known for her corn maidens (as her mother and aunties were), and her owls. Labradorite is complicated to carve and Katy uses this gemstone artfully. The changing shimmering golden and bronze lights from within are stunning. Every way it turns there is fire and a glow. Owl, the Night Grandfather, sees what others cannot. Very appropriate for a stone that changes as it moves. Owl is earnestly protecting the three maidens. Measures 2 3/4 in. tall x 2 1/2 in. wide. $525. No Tax. Free Shipping in the USA. All proceeds go to TKF programs for Zuni artists and their families.